Call a Julia Module from Prefect flow

Run a Prefect flow that calls a Julia process. A very simple Julia module is provided in julia/CallingJulia.jl, it only prints to stdout and does not have any package dependencies. The CallingJulia module and exported function bytor_message are an example entrypoint to whatever Julia process you create.

The Prefect python application is a project consisting of this file structure:

    ├── julia
    │   └── CallingJulia.jl
    ├── src
    │   ├── blocks
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    └── pyproject.toml

Usage From Shell

Prefect server available.

To run this example the local server instance must be installed and running, with the blocks registered. See Prefect Installation.

From the PrefectInterfaces/prefect directory:

$ cd ./PrefectInterfaces/prefect

# start the Prefect DB in a backround tmux process
just launch

# run the flow as a python script
just py src/

Alternately, the same result as above without the Just commands

export PREFECT_HOME="./prefecthome/prefect_main"
export PREFECT_PROFILES_PATH="./profiles.toml"
poetry run prefect server start

PREFECT_API_URL="" poetry run python src/

The Prefect logs will print to stdout, and also view viewable in the Prefect UI from

Logs from Prefect to stdout look like this:

16:30:12.217 | DEBUG   | prefect.profiles - Using profile 'main'
cwd: /Users/mahiki/repo/julia-pkgs/PrefectInterfaces/prefect
16:30:12.614 | DEBUG   | prefect.client - Connecting to API at
16:30:12.639 | INFO    | prefect.engine - Created flow run 'belligerent-markhor' for flow 'call-julia-script'
16:30:12.639 | INFO    | Flow run 'belligerent-markhor' - View at
16:30:12.640 | DEBUG   | prefect.task_runner.concurrent - Starting task runner...
16:30:12.648 | DEBUG   | prefect.client - Connecting to API at
16:30:12.724 | DEBUG   | Flow run 'belligerent-markhor' - Executing flow 'call-julia-script' for flow run 'belligerent-markhor'...
16:30:12.724 | DEBUG   | Flow run 'belligerent-markhor' - Beginning execution...
16:30:12.724 | INFO    | Flow run 'belligerent-markhor' - Calling module from module_path: julia/CallingJulia.jl
# ...etc...
16:30:13.164 | INFO    | Flow run 'belligerent-markhor' - ShellOperation returned:
Hello from the Julia script, prints are logged from prefect flow.

┌ Info: By-Tor left a message
└   input = "calling from prefect flow."
┌ Info: You can using PrefectInterfaces commands to retrieve blocks because
└   prefect_api_url = ""
16:30:13.209 | DEBUG   | prefect.task_runner.concurrent - Shutting down task runner...
16:30:13.209 | INFO    | Flow run 'belligerent-markhor' - Finished in state Completed()
Helpful Hints

Debugging errors can be be tricky because of the stacktraces only partially get sent back from Julia. Things to watch for:

  • Be sure of the process working directory and relative paths to Module/assets.
  • Loading from the julia project path, no quotes: --load ./CallingJulia.jl
  • Julia project needs package dependencies installed in the usual way (ie Project.toml).
  • Instantiating the julia project in the execution environment, ie Pkg.instantiate()


# the main module call from is from python project root:
call_julia_script(module_path="julia/CallingJulia.jl", prefect_api_url=PREFECT_API_URL)