May the Prefect Julia SDK arrive soon.
You prefer to analyze and wrangle data in Julia, and you orchestrate your data workflows with Prefect (in python), this project helps you bring those together.
PrefectInterfaces.jl helps you integrate Julia operations into a Prefect orchestration environment. Julia functions call your Prefect instance (Server or Cloud) and pull block information including secrets. Now you can use Prefect python flows to call your Julia process via DockerContainer
or ShellOperation
and deploy these in the normal way. The Julia process has access to resources and can read/write in the same environment as the rest of your orchestration code.
Included in the package is a bootstrapped installation of a local Prefect instance, and an example Dataset
type to demonstrate a concrete use-case.
To use most functionality, a Prefect server/cloud instance must be available. Provide the API endpoint via environment variable PREFECT_API_URL
or set the definition within julia application code. If authenticating to Prefect Cloud, or if your server instances has an authentication key, you will also need PREFECT_API_KEY
. See PrefectAPI
See Prefect Installation to quickly launch a local Prefect server.
julia> Pkg.add("PrefectInterfaces")
- List available Prefect blocks
- Load a secret from the Prefect DB
- Load a local file system block from Prefect DB
- Use the
methods from the FS Block.- Notice the block implements a base path
, and also the Dataset
read/write methods, currently support read/read via CSV
module. In the future this should be refactored to handle any type of file.
# provide a reference to the running Prefect REST API
julia> ENV["PREFECT_API_URL"] = ""
using PrefectInterfaces
db = ls();
# 3-element Vector{String}:
# "local-file-system/willowdata"
# "secret/necromancer"
# "string/syrinx"
secret_block = PrefectBlock("secret/necromancer")
# PrefectBlock("secret/necromancer", Main.PrefectInterfaces.SecretBlock("secret/necromancer", "secret", ####Secret####))
# ####Secret####
# "abcd1234"
using DataFrames
df = DataFrame(
flag = [false, true, false, true, false, true]
, amt = [19.00, 11.00, 35.50, 32.50, 5.99, 5.99]
, qty = [1, 4, 1, 3, 21, 109]
, item = ["B001", "B001", "B020", "B020", "BX00", "BX00"]
, day = ["2021-01-01", "2021-01-01", "2112-12-12", "2020-10-20", "2021-05-04", "1984-07-04"]
fs_block = PrefectBlock("local-file-system/willowdata");
# PrefectBlock
# blockname: String "local-file-system/willowdata"
# block: LocalFSBlock
# blockname: String "local-file-system/willowdata"
# blocktype: String "local-file-system"
# basepath: String "$HOME/willowdata/main"
# read_path: #4 (function of type PrefectInterfaces.var"#4#6"{String})
# basepath: String "$HOME/willowdata/main"
# write_path: #5 (function of type PrefectInterfaces.var"#5#7"{String})
# basepath: String "$HOME/willowdata/main"
datafile = fs_block.block.write_path("csv/dataset=test_block_write/data.csv", df)
# "$HOME/willowdata/main/csv/dataset=test_block_write/data.csv"
# true
df2 = fs_block.block.read_path("csv/dataset=test_block_write/data.csv")
# 6×5 DataFrame
# Row │ flag amt qty item day
# │ Bool Float64 Int64 String7 Date
# ─────┼────────────────────────────────────────────
# 1 │ false 19.0 1 B001 2021-01-01
# 2 │ true 11.0 4 B001 2021-01-01
# 3 │ false 35.5 1 B020 2112-12-12
# 4 │ true 32.5 3 B020 2020-10-20
# 5 │ false 5.99 21 BX00 2021-05-04
# 6 │ true 5.99 109 BX00 1984-07-04
On top of the Prefect API, this package includes a Datasets module that reads/writes dataframes to file locations based only on the name you give to the data artifact, see Dataset Type.
Calling From Prefect Flow
The one thing the Julia process will need from the prefect flow is the PREFECT_API_URL
if using Prefect Cloud). This is accessible from your Prefect python application code via settings. The call to Julia code is via ShellOperation
or Docker container.
# Python
from prefect import flow
from prefect_shell import ShellOperation
from prefect import settings
prefect_api = settings.PREFECT_API_URL.value()
# ''
result = ShellOperation(
, command=["julia --project=. --load path/to/julia-script.jl"]
, working_dir="path/to/whatever"
, env={"PREFECT_API_URL": prefect_api_url_arg}
So can pass the Prefect API endpoint to your Docker
or ShellOperation
either as an env variable or parameter to the julia command.
For more detailed design discussion, including "why not PythonCall/JuliaCall", see Usage and Design Explanation.